A professional polo player understands the
importance of playing on high-quality polo ponies.
The better the pony, the greater the advantage
for the team. Pick the wrong pony, and you can
be badly hurt, avd lose everything. This principle
applies to a healthcare facility’s PACS
as well. Meta Fusion's high-quality PACS components
offer the greatest advantage to your team, keeping
you away from problems and dangers and helping
you win at your game.
Meta Fusion's PACS components provide you with
an excellent value, by offering an impressive
combination of cost, features, performance,
reliability and re-configurability that can
adaptively provide for your organizaional needs
now, and in the future as your needs change.
Our PACS components provide you with capabilities
that result in more efficiency and productivity,
by making your images and medical information
more securely accessible from anywhere, and
at any time, all of the time. Our PACS components
ensure that your medical information is archived
safely, and that your business is protected
in the event of problems affecting your netowrks
and systems, and that your business does not
stop following a disaster, which keeps you in
good standing with applicable regulations.
However large or small your business, ranging
from a single healthcare facility, to a healthcare
group with multiple geographic locations, the
Meta Fusion PACS components make your ability
to meet the needs of your staff and affiliated
care-providers possible, by providing seamless
integration and flow of your medical information
inside and outside your facilities. However
large of small a business you are, there is
a Meta Fusion PACS component combination that
is suited to yur needs. The Meta Fusion PACS
components range from very affordable versatile
appliances to enterprise-strength massively-scalable
archives that can be deployed locally and remotely
in highly-redundant configurations for disaster
recovery. This range of components offers a
wealth of features including universal accessibility,
capture and integration of diverse medical information,
secuity and regulatory compliance.
Meta Fusion's PACS components are designed
to both be used individually to provide solutions,
and also in conjunction with one another to
provide more feature-rich and disaster-tolerant
solutions. If you already have a partial PACS,
any Meta Fusion PACS component may be easily
integrated with other vendors' products to build
your solution, or you can use Meta Fusion PACS
components exclusively to build a superior integrated
solution for your needs.