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Home -> Solutions -> PACS Components -> MetaProxy 500 Understanding the features

Understanding the features



The MetaProxy 500 starts with 450 GB of disk space available to store DICOM images & medical information.



This value represents the number of DICOM storage services that are run when the MetaProxy comes on line. This number is configured as a factory default value only, and does not represents the actual capabilities of a MetaProxy under heavy loads.



The MetaProxy 500 has the ability to accept DICOM images for storage, and to transmit DICOM images located in its storage. The specific DICOM 'commands' that are supported by the device are described in the device Conformance Statement.



When using the MetaProxy 500, a requestor of DICOM images can request that the MetaProxy identify the individual images that it has in storage, and send individual images. Alternately, a requestor of DICOM images can request that the MetaProxy identify and transmit the studies that it has in storage, where each study consists of a grouping of images for a particular patient. Alternately, a requestor of DICOM images can request that the MetaProxy identify and transmit the patients for which it has studies in storage, where each patient can have a grouping of studies in the store.



The MetaProxy 500 can be configured to automatically request and pull images from your modalities for storage & distribution.



The MetaProxy 500 has the ability to interact with imaging modalities that support DICOM worklists. Imaging modalities can obtain scheduled procedure information from the MetaProxy 500 and communicate performed procedure information to it, in compliance with the DICOM standard.



The MetaProxy allows the modality technician to accept or reject images according to their quality to control their availability to end users via the MetaProxy. Additionally, the technician can use the DICOM editor to modify header information that is missing or erroneously populated prior to publication.



The MetaProxy has Virtual Private Network (VPN) capability built into it. To protect against hostile or unauthorized access to protected information, and in order to provide security and privacy of medical information under HIPAA, as a standard rule, the MetaProxy 500 operates in a mode where data is encapsulated & passed over encrypted channels. VPN secure tunnels are typically used with those networks that have endpoints that require transmission over non-secure or public networks, such as the internet. Non-encrypted traffic typically is used on networks secured by Meta Fusion.



Meta Fusion typically combines the MetaProxy with external VPN hardware to add more value to customer networks. Meta Fusion tunes the VPN performance to match the network peformance and the performance of the communicating devices. In a tuned system, the data stream entering a VPN exits the VPN at the same rate as the input in order to ensure that the flow of information is not slowed down by the VPN. This approach provides a considerable performance benefit under load as compared to a software VPN implementation.



Meta Fusion treats healthcare facilities and their networks as inherently non-secure hostile environments. The firewall built into each Meta Fusion storage product is configured by Meta Fusion to provide attack hardiness and response, and prevent the loss or unauthorized access to the information that we store. In the event that the facility's network is compromised, Meta Fusion relies on its own defenses to protect private valuable medical information. Where appropriate, Meta Fusion promotes the use of its networks and its network services to healthcare customers for implementation of networks according to best practices and highest standards of security.



The MetaProxy comes with a built-in secure web server. This web server is configurable, and can be made compatible with internal firewalls. The web server allows authorized users to connect remotely to the MetaProxy and request DICOM images in storage. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security provides the standard degree of security in common use today.



The Meta Fusion fault-tolerant kernel ensures that in the event of a diaster, such as the total loss of a susbsystem, the system will continue to operate, without interruption, and that it will be able to maintain this operation as long as necessary to repair or replace the destroyed subsystem. No human intervention is necesary and the Meta Fusion fault-tolerant kernel detects and compensates for faults and failures automatically. The Meta Fusion fault-tolerant kernel provides unique reliability benefits for multi-hospital groups whose member hoispitals are separated by (large) geographic distances.



Every MetaProxy has the capability of simultaneously receiving and serving images on multiple independent networks. The MetaProxy 500 is able to provide DICOM storage & retrieval services on twelve directly connected independent 10/100/1000 Mbit/sec Ethernet netwokrs at one time. Meta Fusion configures and monitors the MetaProxy device to ensure that its presence on one or more networks does not create security vulnerabilities on each network.



Meta Fusion provides the means to use DSL instead of T1 lines and achieve equal or higher reliability and equal or superior bandwidth for a lower price.



The MetaProxy comes fitted as standard with multiple DVD writers. This is provided for the purposes of archiving images to a media that can be removed to another location for further disaster resilience. For greater convenience and better disaster planning, Meta Fusion recommends the use of a MetaProxy 500n conjunction with your MetaProxy.



A large amount of additional storage capacity may be added to a MetaProxy. Our filesystem is well suited to storing and retrieving numerous images. Meta Fusion recommends the use of a MetaArchive in conjunction with your MetaProxy. As most return visits occur within 18 months, a MetaProxy can be sized to your facility to provide an 18 month store, and studies may be archived to your MetaArchive for persistence and rapid acces over 7+ years.



A powerful rules engine is embedded into the MetaProxy. The routing engine assures delivery of images to where they are needed. According to configuration of a rich set of rules, each image that is received or transmitted by the MetaProxy can be handled according to programmed rules. The MetaProxy routing engine can support a large number of end users simultanously, and it allows for customization of rules to suit individual users' requirements.



Meta Fusion provides a rule-based configurable mechanism to assist in managing your imaging department workflow, including communications and prompts to ensure that members of your team respond timely and keep close track of patients and their tasks.



From an end-user point of view, each MetaProxy is intended to be operated as a zero-maintenance appliance. The management of the device is performed remotely in most cases.



The MetaProxy continuously performs self-checks to ensure correct operation & reports anticipated and actual problems. Each MetaProxy can also be tied to Meta Fusion's operations infrastructure whereby it is continuously monitored by external agents that report on its health, correct function, regulatory compliance and raise alarms to initiate rapid response in the event of actual or anticipated non-conformant behavior.



The MetaProxy supports a 'transparent mode' that allows an auditor process to evaluate the HIPAA compliance of the device as it operates, and according to the device operation logs. The verified HIPAA audit report is securely archived.



As standard, the MetaProxy keeps detailed logs of its operation, including tracking every image access and attempts to access images. These logs are saved, and offloaded for signing by Meta Fusion.



Each MetaProxy provides built-in storage management rules that may be activated or de-activated under suthorized user control. These storage rules provide for immediate or delayed storage ageing, clean-up and optimization. When automatic ageing criteria are configured, the MetaProxy can perform its functions for extended periods of time without requiring any administration.



MetaProxy strictly controls access by users according to a list of authorized entities. Users that are not on the access control list are denied access to the MetaProxy.



Meta Fusion provides a mechanism to add compression to your image transfer and storage in a MetaProxy. The compression may be switched on and off. Reversible and irreversible compression are possible.



The MetaProxy can track the number of individual accesses by end users to patient studies, and provide a verified report of these accesses upon demand. This feature is very useful for usage-based billing.



The MetaProxy provides a dictation & transcript store with association to the patient study that is the subject of the diagnosis. Dictation files and diagnosis transcripts can be uploaded to the MetaProxy automatically by means of a secure web interface.



A feature-limited version of the MetaRIS radiology information system is integrated with the MetaProxy for the convenience of the smaller clinic.



The MetaProxy provides an HL-7 interface capability by means of which a RIS or a HIS or other information system may be integrated with the MetaProxy.



Meta Fusion Collaborative Diagnosis Protocol (MCDP)



Meta Fusion Server Interaction Protocol (MDSIP) is used to provide seamless integration when many hospitals each with one or more MetaProxys combine to provide continuity of care and access to patient historical records independently of geographic location.



RAID (redundant array of independent disks; originally redundant array of inexpensive disks) uses a group of disks to store data in a way that if one disk fails, the data that was on the failed disk can be recovered from other disks. In the more commonplace RAID configurations, this failure can be tolerated once and if another disk fails, the data is lost. A RAID appears to the operating system to be a single logical hard disk. In some RAID configurations, I/O (input/output) operations can overlap in a balanced way, improving performance. In reliability calculations, having multiple disks can in some cases increase the mean time between failures (MTBF), and in these cases, data redundancy achieved with RAID is considered to increase fault tolerance. However, the common mistake made by many people is that RAID is sufficient for high-reliability and high-availability. In fact, RAID is a feature that does not necessarily result in the highest reliabilty or the highest availability. Sometimes a system can have higher availability and higher reliability without RAID. Meta Fusion designs systems that achieve the highest relaibility and the highest availability, and selectively uses RAID as a feature when its best design practices warrant its use.










Standalone DICOM server for small imaging clinic

Neurosurgeon home access to images and surgical navigation files

Low cost image server for a night-hawk service using two MetaProxy 500s in a high-availability configuration


Making images flow where they are needed with MetaProxy500





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